Bible Reading Plan

"Beyond The Fence"

DateScripture PassageReflection PointPrayer Focus
9/27 (Fri)Luke 10:25-37Who do I often overlook as my 'neighbor'?Ask God to open your eyes to the people around you who need love and care.
9/28 (Sat)Galatians 5:13-14How can I serve my neighbor in love?Pray for opportunities to serve others selflessly.
9/29 (Sun)Proverbs 3:27-28What can I give to my neighbor today?Ask God to reveal ways you can immediately help those in need.
9/30 (Mon)Romans 13:8-10How is love the fulfillment of the law?Pray for the grace to love everyone you encounter, as God loves them.
10/1 (Tue)Ephesians 2:14-16What barriers do I have between myself and others?Pray for walls of pride, fear, and prejudice to fall.
10/2 (Wed)Acts 10:34-36How does the Gospel eliminate partiality?Pray for the grace to see people as God sees them, without partiality.
10/3 (Thu)2 Corinthians 5:16-19What does reconciliation look like in my life?Pray for reconciliation with others, breaking any emotional or relational barriers.
10/4 (Fri)Colossians 3:11How does Christ unite people of different backgrounds?Pray for unity among people of different races, cultures, and backgrounds.
DateScripture PassageReflection PointPrayer Focus
10/5 (Sat)Matthew 22:37-40How does loving God influence how I love others?Pray for a deeper love for God that overflows into loving your neighbors.
10/6 (Sun)Romans 15:1-2How can I build up my neighbor?Ask God to show you how to bear the weaknesses of others in love.
10/7 (Mon)1 John 3:16-18How can I love my neighbor in truth and action?Pray for the courage to act on love, not just feel compassion.
10/8 (Tue)Philippians 2:3-4How can I put my neighbor’s interests above my own?Ask God for humility in serving others and valuing their needs.
10/9 (Wed)James 2:14-17How am I acting on my faith to love my neighbor?Pray for the strength and conviction to serve others actively.
10/10 (Thu)1 Peter 4:8-11How can I use my gifts to serve others?Ask God to reveal your spiritual gifts and help you use them for your community.
10/11 (Fri)Galatians 6:9-10How can I persist in doing good for my neighbor?Pray for perseverance and not to grow weary in doing good.
10/12 (Sat)Matthew 5:14-16How can my actions be a light to my neighbor?Pray that your love and actions draw people to Jesus.
DateScripture PassageReflection PointPrayer Focus
10/13 (Sun)Acts 2:42-47What impact does community have when we love our neighbors?Pray for a spirit of unity and love to grow in your community.
10/14 (Mon)1 Thessalonians 5:11How can I encourage my neighbors in faith?Pray for opportunities to build up and encourage those around you.
10/15 (Tue)Matthew 25:31-40How is serving others an act of serving Jesus?Pray to see Jesus in every person you serve.
10/16 (Wed)Isaiah 58:6-8How can loving my neighbor be part of justice and righteousness?Pray for justice and the end of oppression in your community.
10/21 (Mon)Isaiah 58:3-7What is the true purpose of fasting?Ask God to help you fast with the right heart and focus.
10/22 (Tue)Matthew 6:16-18How can fasting draw me closer to God?Pray for a heart of humility and sincerity during the fast.
10/23 (Wed)Joel 2:12-13How does fasting lead to repentance and transformation?Pray for personal and communal repentance and spiritual renewal.
10/24 (Thu)Psalm 35:13-14How can fasting align my will with God’s?Pray for God’s will to be done in your life and your community.
10/25 (Fri)Matthew 7:12How can I treat others as I want to be treated?Pray for the strength to live out Christ’s love in practical ways.
DateScripture PassageReflection PointPrayer Focus
10/26 (Sat)Romans 12:9-13How can I be sincere in love toward others?Pray for genuine love to flow through your actions.
10/27 (Sun)Micah 6:8How can I act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God?Pray for a spirit of justice, mercy, and humility in all you do.
10/28 (Mon)1 Corinthians 13:1-3How can love be the foundation of all I do?Pray for love to motivate all your interactions with your neighbors.
10/29 (Tue)Galatians 5:22-23How can the fruit of the Spirit help me be a better neighbor?Pray for the Holy Spirit to cultivate these fruits in your life.
10/30 (Wed)John 13:34-35How does loving others show that we are Jesus’ disciples?Pray that your love for others draws people to Christ.
10/31 (Thu)1 John 4:19-21How does my love for others reflect my love for God?Ask God to help you love others deeply, as He loves you.